2016 Genie S-65

SKU: S-65-034


πŸ§žβ€β™‚οΈΒ Once upon a time in the bustling realm of lifting equipment, there emerged a magical entity known far and wide as Genie Industries, or simply Genie for the savvy ones. Born amidst the rainy mists of Seattle, Washington, back in 1966, by the hands of the legendary Bud Bushnell, this genie quickly soared to prominence with its ingenious designs and rock-solid contraptions.

From aerial work platforms to material lifts and telehandlers, Genie became the genie granting every lifting wish with finesse. Its creations weren’t just machines; they were trusty companions for contractors, rental moguls, and equipment aficionados across the globe. Reputation? Oh, Genie had it in spades – quality, durability, and performance were its three magic words.

As time danced forward, Genie didn’t just settle for resting on its laurels. Oh no! It kept on conjuring up new marvels, expanding its repertoire to match the ever-shifting sands of the market. But amidst all the innovation, one thing remained constant: Genie’s unwavering dedication to safety and reliability. So, if you’re ever in need of a lift, just rub the lamp – err, visit Genie. πŸ§žβ€β™‚οΈ

Available: In stock