The SkyJack 3226: Specifications & Details

Above All Equipment is excited to discuss the specs and details surrounding the SkyJack 3226 scissor lift with you today! They are available now and come either brand new or reconditioned.
Some Quick Specs On The Equipment
This classic piece of equipment fits right through any conventional doorway. Most folks call this scissor lifts “26ft skinny” because of their ability to get into smaller spaces. The scissor lift comes equipped with fold-down rails and comes in at a 7 foot 7 inches height. But once those rails are folded down, the size drops to around 6 ft 4 inches. They weigh approximately 5,500 pounds but are worth every penny!
Where Can I Find More Specs And Info For This Scissor Lift?
For a more detailed and extended look at this fine piece of equipment, check out our equipment specs page by clicking here.
Learn More About Above All Equipment And Our Equipment
At Above All Equipment, we take pride in offering a full range of aerial lifts and used machinery for sale, including scissor lifts from Genie and Skyjack. Our goal is to save you time and money! Get in touch with us today by clicking here.