second quarter

Current Price Increases For Equipment And Manufacturers

The pandemic still looms worldwide, and so do the price hikes across the country. Equipment prices and manufacturing prices are expected to continue to climb until mid-2023. What does that mean for companies like Above All Equipment?

Inflation Means More

As we enter the second quarter of the 2022 fiscal year, manufacturers have raised their prices by 4.5 to 6.5 points. Some have even increased their prices by 12% for telehandlers. Above All Equipment is dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction throughout any situation, regardless of inflation.

We want to remain transparent with our customers to promote better communication as things continue to change across the nation. Prices are expected to reach their limit and potentially go down around mid-2023.

Learn More About The Current Inflation Period

You are still getting the best deal around when it comes to purchasing equipment for your business. But for now, Above All Equipment will continue to have 30 days or more lead time and remain transparent throughout this inflation period. If you have concerns or questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly via the website or our social media platforms.